The Details
Right now I am in love with baby clothes. Can't imagine why! (Duh!) K.B. has way too many clothes and grows out of half of them before I even get to try them on. This is the case with the shirt he has on here. I completely forgot I had it. Quick, put it on him and don't blink your eyes because he may just shoot up another inch. I swear, I am smitten with this little gent. Oh, and Granpa loved these "braces."
My father served an LDS mission to London, England (da, da, da, da, hence my name) and so he knows suspenders as braces, pants as trousers, and breakfast must always be biscuits and gravy. Well, at lunch my dad made a comment about little man's cute braces. My Superman looked at him all quizzical and said, "He is just getting two teeth." I snorted into my Applebee's and told him not to get my dad started on hooters and napkins.
Needless to say I love little man's braces too. His little outfits are often a little over the top. I mean he wears polyester and a vest to church, that is how obsessed I am with getting him dressed. For me baby clothes are all about the little details: the embossed buttons, tiny actual pockets, and a rivet with a B. "Throw it in the oven (aka shopping cart) for baby and me!
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