K.B. is growing up so fast. Sometimes I will look at him and see the soon to be little boy instead of my precious baby. Today was one of those very days. I was hanging out with him in the nursery and I look down at this little man in my arms. I see the boy he will become. I see it in his face, in the pinch between his brows, in his dapper hair. I get a glimpse, a small one, of who he will be at age two, and four, and 29. It is a sad and happy moment, a moment of present and future blurred in to one. I am excited to watch him grow up and see first hand how a little human being grows up into a person. And yet I want this moment, this me and this him, to last forever. I want him to wear "Feed Me!" bibs and zonk out with his mouth half open for the rest of eternity. This is it, this little moment is my eternity I suppose, continually looking ahead, living in the present, and clinging to the quickly slipping past.
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