Feb 13, 2013

Writer's Block : Alphabetical Advice


I found this website via Pinterest and man oh man it has all the creative vibes cranked to a higher decibel. This in particular is something I want to do! So here were go, 26 pieces of advice correlating to letters of the alphabet. 

Avoid being busy just for the sake of the word. 
Better yourself little by little. 
Connect with those around you. 
Don't stress. 
Entertain the impossible. 
Find joy in the journey you are on.
Gather your wits about you. 
Have a nice day, everyday.
Inject adventure into your daily routine. 
Just drive. 
Keep comfort food on hand for those bad days.
Let yourself be happy.
Make lemonade, literally. 
Never stop wandering.
Open your mind then open your eyes. 
Quench your thirst with water. 
Respect others, always, no matter what.
Snuggle with those you love. 
Take credit for your successes. 
Use what you have. 
Validate the people in your life. 
Wear your invisible crown. 
Xerox your face, because it's fun. 
You are more than your mistakes. 
Zealous is a good way to live. 

Ha! That was interesting. 

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