I love the month of May. There is so, so much I treasure about this time, this place in the year.
First and foremost, it is my Birthday Month! That makes May pretty spectacular all on its own. I was born! I was born! I still absolutely love my Birthday. Not really the party or the cake, though those things are oh so good, but more the perspective of moving ahead one more year and seeing all I have accomplished in the space of 365 days.
Second, flowers! Early in the month we usually have very little by way of flowers, but by the end there are blooms a plenty to be enjoyed by all. My favorite flowers of the season happen to be lilies of the valley and lilacs. The scent of these two summer smelling flowers take me right back to sunny days spent in my grandmother's back yard.
Next up, May brings yard work, gardening, and some real time outdoors without the need for hats and coats. My Littleman has a scooter and a trike now, and I can only imagine the adventures we will have in this coming month. Oh, and bubbles. We love bubbles on the freshly cut grass. Mowing the lawn, and I am serious about this, YAY!
Also May is the month of Mother's Day. I think this celebration of women is one of the best, but more on that later I think.
So yes, I love May. Bring it on!
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