Aug 29, 2012

Style Icon :: Jessica Alba Transitions for Fall

Jessica Alba - Jessica Alba Stops for Lunch
This look is awesome and I want to make those pants. The blue of that blazer is probably one of my favorite colors for fall transition. The shades I would never wear (too much mirror for my liking). But note the comfortable shoes in her hand? Yep, Those shoes, this outfit. Done and done!

Jessica Alba - Jessica Alba at Fashion Week
This trend I have been seeing a lot of, 'specially via Pinterest. Pairing edgy with feminine, something I can absolutely stand by as I am a tomboy at heart anyways. The colors of this skirt are to die for and the motorcycle jacket fits her. This is something I have yet to find in my own life, but when I do you can bet I will be pulling off this look for fall. 

Jessica Alba - A Blonde Jessica Alba Shops In Beverly Hills
Dusty rose monochrome for fall? Yep. I like this color as the new word in neutral. Don't get me wrong, I am all about the black and white and grey for fall. However, this color was a bit of a surprise on my style icon, and I admit I am liking it. It is warm and soft. It is cozy and a great way to transition from Summer to Fall without having to reach into your over sized bag for your wallet because you probably have some clothes in the shade for summer. Just layer them up, something I certainly will try at least once. 

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