Jan 29, 2013

Snow Day Style

Thank goodness there are only a couple days in January left and maybe we will be able to leave this freezing, icky month behind us. Did you know, that despite my best efforts and an almost gleaming track record, I am now sick? I made it through November and December and most of January without a hitch and then wham, bulldozer of a sore throat and runny nose. Thank goodness the Littleman seems to be feeling fine. And thank goodness to the power of two for a light at the end of this frigid tunnel.


Now on to the Mum's Threads inspired by Small Fry. On their sweet little post they talked about winter staples. For me it is all about the footwear. I love hats, coats, and scarves just like the next person. Mittens are probably good too, but give me a nice pair of warm OTK socks and leather knee high boots to combat the winter weather and I am all set. This is a trend I have been fully invested in ever since my days trecking across winter campus. I remember winter semester was always the worst, and I am not feeling much better about these early months in the year. Cabin fever, real fevers, and icy sidewalks--no thanks. The things that get me through? My boots.

I have a growing collection, but my favorite pair are these Ann Taylor Loft Peter Boots. They are leather, they are tall, and they kick winter butt. These boots go great over my skinnies or beneath a feminine skirt. I love them with colored tights or woolen socks. I was lusting after these OTK boots for a year before cracking down and spending the $180 even on sale, which was huge funds to a college girl. Needless to say, so glad I did. Totally worth it. 

Coat//TJ Maxx
Pants//Nine West
Boots//Ann Taylor Loft
Scarf & Suspenders//Thrifted

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