I am not really the kind of mommy who feels particularly attached to my child's hair, at least not most of the time. I know that his first official hair cut will be a pretty big deal, a sign that we are still soldiering on and becoming a big boy, the end of a babyhood era, but nothing I won't be able cope with. Especially with the warmer weather I am so, so tempted to take the scissors to this little mop and get it back under control. I mean, it is starting to flare out around his ears. It is simply wild once it dries after the tub. It is especially difficult to control after a sweaty nap where the back gets all sticky and curly. About 15 times I day I think, "Boy, your hair is just too long!"
Then, just when I get all primed and ready to chop it, something like this attack of static cling happens and I am in love with my baby's head of baby hair. I love filling it full of bubbles when he takes a bath. I love brushing it away from his forehead before I plant him with a kiss. I love when he presses and rubs the top of his head under my chin or the little feathers brush my cheek. These are all things I will certainly miss when it is finally time for the chopping block.
So, for today Littleman, you still get to keep your feathery wisps of baby hair and keep me smiling.
I won't be able cope with. Especially with the warmer weather I am so, so tempted to take the scissors to this little mop and get it back under control.