Apr 10, 2013

Rainy Morning Rules for a Toddler

Yesterday morning started out with snow, icky icky snow. It was not a pleasant sight to see after my last few days in sunny St. George. So, after I made us a breakfast of spinach, ham, and cheese omelette I looked around my messy kitchen. I did not want to do the dishes, obviously. Instead I decided to just hang out with my Littleman for the morning. But what could we do on this rainy day? Well, it all started by scrounging up every ball we could find in the house.

It was quite a task, I tell you. We ended up with three tennis balls, four plastic balls that are meant for some annoying electronic toy I hid, an exercise ball, two footballs, and a mostly deflated purple rubber ball. Then we sat in the living room throwing and kicking all the balls. Potts, our border collie, was in heaven. She chased them balls up and down the stairs. She trotted around Littleman while he ran from kitchen to living room with her slobbery tennis ball in hand. We squealed and laughed for an hour.

Then, when the fun and entertainment was starting to wear thin, I taught Littleman how to hold his little plastic, red ball under his chin. He thought it was the funniest, bestest thing in the wide world. He would bring the yellow ball to me, wedge the red ball under his chin while I did the same with the yellow, and laugh hysterically when it slipped out. He would chase down the balls, bring them back, and we would do it all over again. Quality time, I tell you. Something so simple had us entertained right up until morning nap time.

My Rainy Day Rules:
1. Let your baby smear boogies all over their cheeks.
2. Don't tug up the hipster jeans. Low-riding is cool!
3. Wear socks and slippers all day long.
4. Laugh and giggle often.
5. Let the dog stay indoors too. Why not?
6. Play ball!

Yes, he is carrying 3 balls at once. Talent, this one.

Under then chin then, no hands!

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