May 14, 2013

Feeling Hot

Yesterday was hot! Hot, hot, hot!!! I think it hit about 92 degrees in our back yard around 4-o-clock and we were not going to let summer heat like that pass without acknowledgement  Also, I had to find a way to entertain the boy while also cooking up some chicken on the BBQ. What better way than filling up the kiddie pool? Turns out, there isn't one. At least, in the end it all worked out.

I put the pool in the middle of the yard. I slithered our black hose over and sprayed all the icky spiderwebs away. I shrieked and then shooed away a garter snake. I filled the pool with hose water and a few buckets of hot water from the house. I dropped in some bath toys. Then I got little man dressed in his trunks, swim hat, and sunscreen.Sadly though, my efforts were not fully appreciated. Littleman wanted absolutely nothing to do with the pool, the water, or the toys. He just ran around the yard and the ran over and looked with his eyes, never even dipping in a finger. Pepper Potts however, was whining and pacing in her dog run, wanting me to let her at it. So I let her out and in a matter of minutes most of the pool water was splashed out and Blake was smiling and laughing at our dog's antics. She gets a bit nuts when it comes to the kiddie pool.

Only when the pool water was mostly empty, but teeming with grass did my boy finally take the plunge. He clambered over the side of the little plastic rim and plopped down in the puddle. He splashed and played. He climbed out and retrieved all of the toys Pepper had knocked out. He threw them back in the pool and climbed back in. In and out, in and out. It was a delight to witness. I grilled up some chicken. He climbed in and out a few more times. 

After the food for our picnic was all ready Blakie and I made use of my Mother's Day present, a bike trailer, and met up with Papa on his ride home. We picnicked at the park. We rode home together. It was warm, and lovely, and perfect.

I'd venture a guess that we would be okay if summer weather decided to stick around.