May 13, 2013

My Mother's Day Outing

I am so grateful to be a mom. It has really shaped my character and grown my strength in ways I never thought possible. My every day, my every thought is wrapped up in this Littleman and his Papa, and I am so grateful to my little family for giving me such an honorary title as Mama. I love them beyond the ends of the earth and would do anything for their happiness. I try every day to do better, to be better, to care for them more wholly. It is such a hard job sometimes, but one of the most fulfilling. I don't need cards or presents. I don't need a day of dedication to feel special. I feel it every time I get a hug or kiss from my boys. I feel it when we spend time all together. 

I truly loved sharing this Mother's Day with people I love. I attended church meetings and exchanged hugs with some of the best women I know and wished them a beautiful day. I taught a lesson to some of the most incredible young women who I know will have incredible influence on others. I even had a grumpy baby all through church, but was able to put him to sleep and pass him off to a lovely friend who held him for the last hour. After church meetings I got to spend time with my family. We took a picnic up the canyon and the only thing that could have made it better would have been sharing it with my husband who was working some overtime. But eventually he joined in the beautiful day and we made a quick visit to his mom with our card and love. All in all, a pretty perfect Mother's Day. 

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