Aug 26, 2013

My Sunday Date

I love getting ready for Sunday. There is just something so magical about sticking my boy in the tub on those mornings, knowing I get to dress him up in his finest duds for the day. He is my dashing boy, no doubt. He doesn't pull off his tie or his shoes. He lets me slick back his hair and roll up the sleeves of his button up shirts. What a dapper gentleman he becomes on Sunday. I love how he folds his arms each time someone gets up to pray. I love how he sneaks his hands into the diaper bag for his treats and innocently pulls them right back out when I give him The Look. I love how he will sit on my lap coloring in his notebook for at least 30 minutes. Those quiet Sunday moments help me remember what a really sweet boy he is.

On Sunday's we love visiting the grandparents' after church. Sadly, on the days we are without a car we have to rely on them to come pick us up. By the time we leave church to walk home it is about 2:15 and the boy is plum tuckered out from all the running, singing, and playing that happens in nursery. He zonks out almost the moment I get him buckled in the stroller. I enjoy the quiet stroll home, texting my mom as I go, telling her I am on my way home and they can come pick us up anytime. Once home, I push the stroller right through the garage and park it in the downstairs family room so the boy can keep napping. Then I start dashing all around the house changing out of my skirt, grabbing his play clothes, snacks, drinks, and even a handful of cars.

They come pick us up and usually the boy is still crashed out in the stroller. Usually I will try to move him to the carseat without waking him. This effort is met with various forms of success and sometimes failure. Then we trek to my parents' and enjoy the blissful afternoon together.

I'll admit, some of my proudest moments of the week involve my mom seeing how handsome and clean my Littleman is in his Sunday duds. "See mom! I DO wash my boy's face. He DOES have clean fingers. That crazy blonde hair IS controlled." Honestly though, dressing him up everyday of the week would be grand, but it just isn't going to happen, let's be honest. This is made even more evident upon our arrival at the house and a quick run around the back yard. Within ten seconds he already had mud on his shoes and a grass stain on his white shirt. My dapper Sunday date has turned quickly back into my grimy toddler, and that is just fine with me.


Shirt: Gap
Belt: Thrifted
Shorts: Thrifted
Socks: TJMaxx
Shoes: Walmart

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