Oct 9, 2012

Hallows for the Eve

If you have ever read this blog then you likely know I have a bit of a fascination, no an obsession with Harry Potter. Those stories most especially remind me of fall and I have been feeling lately a lack of autumnal spirit. So the other day, while I was watching both movies of HP part 7, I was pondering this void. Why was it the usual crispiness and eagerness was lacking for me? Likely it was because I had been trying to plan the Halloween Party for our ward and it occupied my wakeful thoughts, and even my not so wakeful ones. Midst the list making, idea-storming, and phone calling I had completely lost touch with the beautiful hallows of fall themselves. So I stopped making plans for a moment and walked across the street to a communal garden and admired the array of pumpkins ready to harvest. 

Those lovely orange gourds were a blessed and welcome sight. I crunched through a few of the drying leaves and placed my palm against the thick skin warmed by the sun. I counted and recounted those pumpkins. I set several up on end and rotated those growing on a flat side. Those brief moments of festive, fall harvest preparation was just what my withering soul needed. 

This little, lovely excursion inspired me; it revived my heart. It also made me want to settle in and cuddle up with a warm batch of pumpkin, chocolate chip cookies. I see many a pumpkin spice recipe in my future. 

So what do you do to keep the spirit of the autumn alive? Apparently Harry Potter just wasn't enough in my case. 

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