Apr 16, 2013

How I've Missed You, Lovely Spring

"It was one of those March days
where the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:
when it is summer in the light
and winter in the shade."
Charles Dickens

Right now I am living life in this quote from Great Expectations. We spent most of Saturday at my Parent's house, because of my Sister's Birthday, and their yard is flooding with tiny signs of Spring. It is so much happier than my sad little yard and I wish I could gather it up and bring it all home with me in an overflowing basket.

There are flowers blooming and blossoming. There are hopeful little buds dotting every branch. Trees are wick and gathering moss. The grass is thick and springy. It is heavenly. It is the signal I have been longing for, that Spring is here; this fleeting Utah Spring I have come to adore and cherish.

I love this time of year. It is beautiful and brimming, filling my senses to fullness. I love the cloudy, rainy days. I love the splashes of color amid the greenery. I love puddle jumping when rivulets flood the streets. I love cutting the grass and picnicking in the yard. I love the clash of rainbows and steely grey clouds. I love you Spring, so pleases be here to stay, at least for a while. I know warm weather and summer sun will take over soon, burning off the cloud. I will welcome it in time. But for now, Spring, you simply must linger. 



PS. All these images are straight from my camera. I am trying to get my image right the first time without having to use all the shenanigans of Photoshop on every, blessed shot. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Pat, pat.

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