This year my garden has been pretty much neglected. My parents came over, about a month ago when the weather was finally warm, and helped me get some yard work under control. We mowed, edged, pulled weeds, and worked on the garden. They pulled out the dead stuff and tilled in some compost. It was nice, and clean, and ready for planting. Then the weather took a turn for the worse. Things got too frigid for baby seeds and plants to feel friendly in that garden plot. So it sat there, and sat there, and yep, sat there. All that fertile soil was just begging for a crop of weeds to take up residence and that is just what happened.
However, not all was lost. In fact, I would consider it a huge win. Much of my spinach and lettuce from last year went to seed and those seeds actually sprouted up. I had a whole crop of spinach and lettuce scattered among the riff-raff. So, the other day, I hauled out my shovel, spade, and rubber froggy shoes. I got to work in my garden.
First I dug out as many large spinach and lettuce plants as I could while still preserving the roots. Then I pulled weeds and raked the plot level. Then I transplanted the sprouts in rows. I was so pleased with myself and my mad gardening skills; a regular Martha Stewart. The next day though, everything looked wilty, really wilty. Bah! I killed them all! But my hubby had faith in me and said everything would be fine in a few days.
Fortunately with some water and cool nights the plants are slowly coming back to life. I have added tomatoes, cucumber, and spaghetti squash to the mix. It is all looking very organized and professional once more. All I need to do now is think of which herbs I want to plant and choose one more row of something. Something about digging my hands into that dark earth is really making it feel like summer. That and K.B. running into the sprinkler fully clothed. He was sopped, I was muddy, and we were splendidly happy.
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